Welcome to The HIT (How I Transition) Show, hosted by Kevin Carr, CEO of Pro2CEO. This podcast is a part of the Athlete+ Podcast Network from the University of Florida Institute for Coaching Excellence.

Latest Episodes

Lauren Loberg | Everybody Has To Transition

In the season finale of Season 3 of the HIT Show, Dr. Lauren Loberg and Pro2CEO founder Kevin Carr discuss the importance of athletes prioritizing mental wellbeing, es...

Kim Durand | Supporting Student Athletes

Pro2CEO founder Kevin Carr talks to longtime friend Kim Durand about the past present and future of her career. Kim Durand emphasizes the roles that flexibility and an...

Matt LaPorta | Prioritizing Your Own Future

In the fourth episode of Season 3 of the HIT Show, Matt Laporta talks to Pro2CEO founder Kevin Carr about what he wishes he had known as a college and a professional a...

Traci Gage | Athlete Lifestyle Management

In the third episode of the season, Traci Gage gets together with Kevin Carr to talk about her career in athlete lifestyle management. From scheduling an athlete's day...

Ashton Henderson | Developing Empowered Athletes

In this episode, Kevin Carr, CEO of Pro2CEO talks with Ashton Henderson, Deputy Athletic Director of Championship Resources and Culture at Michigan State University. A...

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